Rank a Page higher on Google in Cameroon

Rank a Page higher on Google in Cameroon
MAY 17,20

Facebook Page owners can take advantage of Google search system in Cameroon to gain visibility and reach nearby customers for their business. One of the key elements the search engine considers when someone is looking for something is his current location. To select relevant results, Google checks the website address country code among others.

Everyone knows website addresses ending with .com. Some rather end with a code which is associated to a country, like .co.uk for United Kingdom or .cm for Cameroon. This country related code tells the search engine (and the searcher) where the business is located, and thus its relevance to the query. Below is the first results page of the query «clothing shop» for someone living in London. Notice how many websites having a .co.uk address are returned.

Google search results page
Google search results page
Google search results page
Google search results page
Google search results page
Google search results page

Now, perform the same search on Google or another search related to your business (assuming you live in Cameroon) and count how many websites with a .cm address are coming in the first results page. Wouldn't your business benefit from being listed there? Blogify can help you!

With just a Facebook Page, Blogify allows to get in minutes a professional website from the Page content, and offers a .cm address. Keep publishing on the Page and Blogify updates your website automatically. Until May 20, subscribe for 12 months at FCFA 22000 instead of FCFA 66000. Check all available features at home and create a website for FREE just to see how it will look like. Only subscribe to get a web address and make the website visible to anyone. We are here to assist: